
8月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

"Spock the Donkey"

"Today we are going to visit the City Farm, said Mr. Hopkins. Miss. Cherry smiled at Mouse and Jojo. We will see your mum when we get there. Billy Still laughed."  One day, the children went to the farm where Billy's mother worked. The mother happily welcomes the children, but she forgets to close the gate and the donkey escapes. They all chased after him, and in the end Mr. Cherry was able to jump on the donkey and let him into the shed intact. I was very excited to read the book. The tension between the characters was very interesting to me. This is one of those books that I recommend to read. [vocabulary] hens めんどり donkey ロバ pointed とがった

"Looking after Pip"

"Pip was crying. Dad was trying to work. dad went to find Jojo and Mouse. "Can you look after Pip? " he said. Jojo gave Pip a little cake."  Pip won't stop crying and her father asks children to watch the kids. The children did many things, but Pip did not stop crying. So they took him to the park. There were lots of ducks there and an uncle was taking pictures of the ducks. When the ducks flew towards the cake Pip was holding, Pip stopped crying. Then the uncle took a picture of everyone. I felt that the children helping their father was kind. I also thought the parents would be happy to see the pictures they all took together in the park. If there is a part 2 to this book, I would love to read it. [vocabulary] quack ガーガー鳴く wave 波打たせる

"Billy's Baby"

"Billy had a new baby sister. All she did was cry... drink milk... and sleep. Billy's mum had to look after her all the time. Billy was not happy."  Billy is tired of his mother taking care of the baby all the time, so he goes to a friend's house. The friend's house also had a baby, and the baby made them laugh by throwing beans that were for lunch. And Billy begins to look forward to watching his baby grow up. I was glad the main character's friend also had a baby at her house. I knew he would be a good big brother because by the end he was looking forward to the baby growing up. [vocabulary] look after 世話をする

"The Missing Shoes Part1"

"There was a summer fair at Story Street School. Sam went with her mum. She wore her best dress and her new shoes. "We must hurry", said Mum. "I am doing the face painting." The Fair gate opened, Sam and her mum went into the store and split up separately. Sam went to his friends, took off his shoes and played all the way until closing time. The clerk told her the store was closed and she tried to put her shoes on, but her shoes had gone away. And this story continues in part2. I have read the Part2 before, so I could guess the story approximately. However, The parts that bothered me when I was reading part 2 have been resolved by reading part 1. Everyone should read them in order, starting with part one. [vocabulary] bouncy よく弾む、弾力性のある