"The Rubbish Monster"

"It was a hot day. the classroom was stuffy. Nobody felt like working."
"We need to some fresh air," said Mr. Hopkins. "I think we will take our reading books and go to the park. We can sit and read under the trees."
One day, students read books in the classroom. But the temperature was so high that they couldn't concentrate on it. So, they decided to go to the park and read books under the trees. But the park was full of garbage. So they started clean it up, and they made a robot out of the garbage they collected.

By reading this story, I've noticed that there are many ways to use trash. I would like to investigate how to use the garbage we produce in our daily lives. 

untidy 乱雑な、だらしない
crossly 不機嫌に、残念に
grumble 不満を言う
rubbish ごみ、ガラクタ



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